Tuesday, September 23, 2008

She's My Brown Eyed Girl

Evie's eyes have officially turned brown! Originally, they were a shade of grayish-bluish depended on the light colored. Now they are 100% brown!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jumping Beach

We have this cool contraption called a jumparoo which allows our children to jump freely from bungee type chords. I think that jumping is exactly what most children do in the jumparoo. Not ours. Robbie would swing and you would swear he was going to tear that thing apart. Evie goes in circles. Around and around she will rotate - think of a hula hoop type of motion.

Evie enjoys going to the beach. She just chills in her swing while the sound of the waves lull her into a happy sleep.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What Has Evie Been Up To?

She has had some major accomplishments lately.

First - she graduated from physical therapy. She was in therapy because she could not turn her head to the left.

Now she is very accomplished at turning her head.

Even when she doesn't want to.

She has also begun eating solid foods. So far just rice cereal, but she seems to enjoy it!

And of course, she loves her brother.

If you enjoyed these pictures, you get to thank Stefanie - her commitment to these blogs far outweighs mine!